//// //// //// PROGRAMMERS: when adding new functions, maintain alphabetical order! (Session timeout function added at the end!!) //// //// //****************************************************************************** var sessionSecs var sessionTimerId = null var sessionTimerRunning = false var ThisDoc ThisDoc = document.forms[0] function anchorScroll( aHash ) { location.href = location.href.substr( 0, location.href.indexOf( '#' ) ) + '#' + aHash } //****************************************************************************** function CheckCursor() { if ( document.forms[0].style.cursor == "wait" ) { alert( "A process is still running. " + "Allow process to complete and try again." ) } else if ( ThisDoc === undefined ) { alert( "Document is still loading. 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I like the string result = s return result; } //****************************************************************************** function UserWantsToContinueWOSaving( OrVerify ) { if ( OrVerify ) { message = "Any changes after last save or verify will be LOST. " } else { message = "Any changes made after your last save will be LOST. " } if ( confirm( message + "\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?\n" ) ) { return false } return true } //****************************************************************************** String.prototype.repeat = function(l) { return new Array(l+1).join(this) } //****************************************************************************** //All the funtions for timout functionality: RG010810 - R7 (CQ 393) function initializeSessionTimer() { sessionSecs = 1800 stopSessionCountdown() startSessionCountdown() parent.TopRightFrame.document.all.TopRightFrameLabel.style.backgroundColor = "#4040C2" } function stopSessionCountdown() { if( sessionTimerRunning ) { clearTimeout( sessionTimerId ) } sessionTimerRunning = false } function startSessionCountdown() { //self.status = " " + sessionSecs if ( sessionSecs == 0 ) { stopSessionCountdown() self.status = "JPA session may have expired!" parent.TopRightFrame.document.all.TopRightFrameLabel.innerHTML = " JPA session may have expired! " parent.TopRightFrame.document.all.UserNameLink.innerHTML = "" } else { if ( sessionSecs == 60 ) { parent.focus() } else if ( sessionSecs == 300 ) { parent.focus() parent.TopRightFrame.document.all.TopRightFrameLabel.style.backgroundColor = "RED" parent.TopRightFrame.document.all.TopRightFrameLabel.style.color = "WHITE" } if ( sessionSecs > 60 ) { self.status = "Your JPA session will expire in less than " + Math.ceil( sessionSecs / 60 ) + " minutes." if ( sessionSecs <= 300 ) { parent.TopRightFrame.document.all.TopRightFrameLabel.innerHTML = " JPA session will expire in less than " + Math.ceil( sessionSecs / 60 ) + " minutes! " } } else { self.status = "Your JPA session will expire in " + sessionSecs + " seconds." parent.TopRightFrame.document.all.TopRightFrameLabel.innerHTML = " JPA session will expire in " + sessionSecs + " seconds! " } sessionSecs = sessionSecs - 1 sessionTimerRunning = true sessionTimerId = self.setTimeout( "startSessionCountdown()", 1000 ) } } //****************************************************************************** //***The following semi-colon must remain at the end of this script!!! ;